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Search results

  1. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I'm gonna start over today. :v Projected team (subject to change): Feraligatr, Miltank, Ampharos, Arcanine, Pidgeot, and something else - possibly traded over from Platinum.
  2. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I'm considering trading all of my good Pokemon to Platinum and starting over. I've gotten kind of bored with it. :\
  3. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I got a Japanese event Arceus from an awesome person on LJ, but I haven't tried triggering the SS event yet. Took a break from training Pokemon up and played around in the Safari Zone. I caught a bunch of Abra in hopes of starting a box of different-natured ones with Synchronize, but all of...
  4. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I beat Blue and am now training up more Pokemon before I go up against Red. I'm currently EV-training a Volbeat because I feel like it/ as a weird experiment of sorts. After that I'll train up my Magnemite because I desperately need an electric-type.
  5. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    So I said I'd have Gary beaten by yesterday, but he was causing me a bit of trouble so I think I'm gonna grind a bit more before I try him again.
  6. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Beat Misty and Surge, and caught a Timid Suicune, yeeeeeaaaaah! Guess I'll save bluegreencyangary for tomorrow.
  7. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Brock and Blaine are down now, which makes 5/8 Kanto gyms. I'll probably go ahead and try to beat the rest tonight. I want to finish up so I can start having fun. :v
  8. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Erika, Sabrina, and Janine were all pretty easy; I almost had Brock too, but since at some point I decided that deleting Razor Leaf for Cut on Victreebel was better than having to backtrack after going to fetch a slave I had no good grass moves and therefore nothing good to combat his rock/water...
  9. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    ...why is Kabuto's sprite levitating?
  10. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    ^ I'd say ditch both and teach her Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, though if you can't get Thunderbolt I'd say Discharge will be fine until you can. There's not much point in having both Thunderbolt and Discharge though, and Lance and Clair will be so much easier with a good ice attack.
  11. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    This doesn't exactly help if you're early in the game, but I was messing around in Dark Cave earlier and found two or three with Rock Smash. I dunno if that means the encounter rate is higher that way or I just got lucky or what. Man, I need Energy Ball for my Victreebel, but I don't seem to...
  12. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Are they all in the top percentage of Rattata? Still no shinies, but I have been grinding on Victory Road / screwing around Kanto. I've fixed the power plant and not much else. edit: also I was sad because I wanted to rebattle Morty last night, but then calling him didn't do anything, so I...
  13. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Mmkay, so Lance's level 50 Dragonite can OHKO every single one of my Pokemon with Outrage. :| ETA: beat him! :D
  14. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Bruno and Karen down. Lance's Gyarados was pissing me off so I'll try him again later.
  15. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Decided to just go for it at the E4 with most of my Pokemon level 40 and two still in the late 30's. Will and Koga down; saved in front of Bruno.
  16. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    ^ Hitmontop! I've been wanting to try using one of those for a while. I'm probably going to end up frustrating the hell out of myself making its stats equal or whatever though. Was that hard? I've made it to the victory road gate and am almost finished grinding before I move on. Maybe if I'm...
  17. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I beat Clair and caught Lugia (Sassy? Bah...). My team is quite underleveled, woo! I think I'll train/mess around a bit before heading to the E4. TYPHLOSION lv. 37 "Calcifer" | Timid nature | Male VICTREEBEL lv. 36 "Raja" | Modest nature | Male POLITOED lv. 36 "Oolong" | Timid nature |...
  18. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    ^ I'm relatively certain it does, as does everything here. I evolved my Eevee by having him on the Pokewalker for like two days and giving him the haircuts. He had a soothe bell on too, but I'm not sure if that affects Pokewalker steps (or really how the Pokewalker adds happiness at all; just...
  19. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I have a Rocket uniform on! Why can't I just continue the game as-is? D:< I can't even fly away to wreak havoc on other cities!
  20. S

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Oh, I chased Team Rocket out of Mahogany earlier. lol, Petrel is awesome. It's too bad we don't seem to see much of these new admins. Guess I'll go beat Pryce and then head for Goldenrod. QUILAVA lv. 35 "Calcifer" | Timid nature | Male VICTREEBEL lv. 30 "Raja" | Modest nature | Male POLITOED...
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